The drama is an adaptation of the diary of a Japanese girl named Aya Kitō, who suffered from spinocerebellar ataxia. She began keeping a diary at the suggestion of her doctor, and continued to write until she could no longer hold a pen. The diary, titled 1 rittoru no namida, was published shortly before her death. Although some of the characters and situations are fictionalized in this television version, the dialogue frequently draws directly from Aya Kitô's own words. Moreover, each episode concludes with a narrated diary excerpt, framed with photographs from various stages in Kitô's life, before and after her diagnosis. The screenplay thus attempts to balance between faithfully working with actual text from the book, 1 rittoru no namida, while also inventing situational contexts so as to portray the struggles of the book's characters in dramatic scenarios. The character Haruto Asô, for example, does not exist in the original diary; however, as a fictional character created for this series, he provides an important mechanism through which Aya's inner feelings, the diary's language on a page, can become more fully actualized as part of a day-to-day narrative.
Ini salah satu Jdorama favorit gw, pertama kali di kasih ama temen gw "EBIE" gara2 dia gw jadi nyari-nyari Jdorama terus. Apalagi pemainnya Sawajiri Erika, SUPER CUTE dech, jadi tambah suka. Slama nonton ini mata gw brair terus, hiks sedih banget ceritanya :(
Pokonya nech JDorama ga rugi buat dikoleksi, keren banget dech.
Buat yang mo DL lokal bisa ke Indowebster lho :D
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